World’s biggest biomass boiler, TEES REP, to England
A new REP (renewable energy plant) is being built at the mouth of the River Tees by the North Sea. The site is located in an old port and industrial area, so the fuel for the plant can be shipped in directly to the harbour. Electricity from the plant will be fed into the nearby national grid.
The 299-megawatt plant will produce mainly electricity, but also district heat for the local industry. It will generate enough electricity to supply approximately 600 000 households. As it will burn renewable wood pellets and chips, the renewable energy plant will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1,2 million tonnes compared to if the same amount of electricity was produced using non-renewable fuel sources. Since the government in UK has committed to purchasing electricity from the new plant at a price that is around three times higher than the current market price, the plant will be able to optimize electricity production, for example by employing record high steam values.
Tees renewable energy plant
Required Installed Capacity Test performed in TEES project on the 10th November 2022
In November 2022, a Required Installed Capacity Test (RIC) was performed in the TEES project. The requirement for the RIC test was to reach 85 % (254MWe) capacity for four (4) hours. The unit was operated five (5) hours with over 280 MWe production, fulfilling the requirements. After the accepted RIC test, the plant owner is now able to get subsidies for generated biomass-electricity. This is the major milestone for the whole project. The core pressure component of the power generation boiler of this project was manufactured by us, SHI FW Power Machinery Co., Ltd..